P.E & Sport


The teaching of Physical Education is concerned with enabling every pupil to become independently active to provide them with background, skills and motivation to opt into physical activity as a lifestyle habit. This involves a progression from being teacher-dependent for participation and organisation to assuming responsibility for the preparation, carrying out and reviewing their own programmes of activity.

The programme at COBS PRU is designed to introduce the pupils to a variety of popular minor and major sports while also giving them an awareness of movement and co-ordination in both individual and team games.

All students who remain at COBS PRU for Year 11 will have the opportunity to leave the school with a Level 2 GCSE PE qualification should they select PE as an Option.

COBS PE - Curriculum

The PE Departments aim is to give students who attend COBS a varied yet balanced curriculum. It is hoped that those attending for a short time will experience lessons that are not too dissimilar to those that they have encountered in mainstream

The students that are more long term should therefore have access to a curriculum that is as closely practical as mirrors a mainstream one in terms of activity. This is in the hope that they may return to a more mainstream environment and be at a similar level to that of their peers. Those students that remain and choose GCSE PE at Key Stage 4 should also have a good grounding of a number of sports that will enable them to access the practical element of the course without being disadvantage.


Lessons delivered using a structured but not prescribed curriculum. Taking in to account campus facilities, access to local facilities & student voice.


5 times a year WAG data will be collected and teachers will use ME in PE to grade core lessons at both KS3 and KS4

GCSE PE WAG Data will be a numerical 9-1 value in line with expected GCSE Predicted Grade.

GCSE PE - Option

GSCE Content Overview

Exam (1 Hour) Physical Factors affecting performance (30% of marks)

  • Applied anatomy and physiology
  • Physical Training

Exam (1 Hour) Socio-Cultural issues and sports psychology (30% of marks)

  • Socio-cultural influences
  • Sports psychology
  • Health, Fitness and well-being

Non-exam assessment
Practical performance (30 % of marks)

  • Core and advanced skills in three activities taken from the approved list:
    1. One individual sport
    1. One Team sport
    1. One other from either

Analysis and Evaluation of Performance (10% of mark)

A student will analyse and evaluate their own or a peers performance in one activity

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