The work we do safeguarding our pupils at COBS is regularly transmitted to the Management Committee. The Safeguarding Governor (Mr Barry Bowles) is a regular visitor to the school and takes a keen interest in all elements of our work in this field.
A termly Safeguarding meeting is held where the Safeguarding Governor meets with the Lead DSL, to discuss any issues that we have had at COBS. This meeting allows us to evidence our work; explain the developments we have made and show how we address national agendas. It also allows the Governing Body to act as a critical friend and question us on our procedures, policies and actions.
The Lead DSL provides annual safeguarding training for the Governing Body to keep them up to date with the latest developments. In addition, the Safeguarding Governor attends external training so they can effectively hold the school to account. The DSL also provides termly reports to the Governing Body so that all Governors have the most up to date information readily available.