At the City of Birmingham School we understand that parental support makes a big difference to our students' success. This page has useful links and information specifically aimed at parents. Note that some of these links are to third party sites and while we have checked them they could be updated in the future. Welcome to COBS!
The City of Birmingham School builds upon the schools core values and creates behavioural expectations for all areas of the school, emphasising the core behaviour that should apply to every situation. It is purposely simple to ensure all learners, parents and staff can remember our three simple rules and apply them consistently. Our rules require all pupils to be Ready, Respectful and Responsible.
Positive relationships with pupils are essential to our behaviour management and staff receive training on how to encourage positive and meaningful conversations with learners to promote trust and instil confidence, so that pupils believe that their school is an environment where they can succeed and achieve and that the staff are there to support them along the way.
These three values are displayed in every campus across the whole school in order to maintain a focus on positive behaviour and to encourage pupils to understand how their behaviour impacts themselves, and others and how they can make changes that will have a positive impact in the future.
Please click on the links to view the document or links.
COBS Attendance and Punctuality Policy 2024-25
Birmingham City Council Term Dates
COBS Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 2024-25
Complaints Policy & Procedures
Behaviour & Relationship Policy 2024-25
GDPR - Privacy Notices for parents
GDPR - Privacy Notices for pupils
Leave in Term Time - Birmingham City Council Guidance
Right Help Right Time Guidance
You can tell Ofsted what you think of COBS at Ofsted: Parent View
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You may be eligible to claim free school meals for your child, up to the age of 19-years-old, if you (or your child) get one of the following:
To claim a free school meal you should ask your child’s school or nursery for an application form. You will need to complete the form and return it to the school/nursery, along with evidence to support your application.